Guests are offered hands-on experiences with the latest adaptive technology to meet
the needs of students with physical, cognitive, and attention deficits. Both high
tech and “low tech” assistive technology are available in the lab. Computer programs
and applications are demonstrated to provide teachers a glimpse into a wide range
of features of tools available to help students. Assistance with writing, math and
attention are presented in the lab, as well, as most teachers will certainly address
those issues immediately upon entering the classroom. The UD Lab also provides an interactive experience in Universal Design for Learning. Guests
are asked to participate in activities in which they help problem solve in meeting
the needs of various learners. Guests are introduced to the key tenants of Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) and are asked to incorporate them as they address various
learning scenarios presented in the lab.
Visitors are presented with various scenarios characteristic of students with various learning needs. They explore the model classroom with a selection of devices and application software technology to match the resources with
the needs of the targeted student, including equipment, displays, and other resources
in the lab to determine which of them might be used in planning instruction and in
what manner would each resource be used to help the student. Please keep in mind school
systems have varying resources.
Tours can be customized to fit the individual needs of visitors.